April 4, 2018
Learn more about powering your home or business with solar power. Powder River Basin Resource Council (Resource Council) is hosting a Solar Q&A Session on Tuesday, April 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Sheridan County Library, Inner Circle.
The event will bring solar installers and home and business owners who use solar together in a quiet, conversation-friendly environment. The event will also feature the Resource Council’s series of videos sharing solar stories from around Wyoming. The event is free and open to the public.
“This is an event where people can sit down with installers and ask specific questions. As someone who just had solar installed, I know that there are a lot of questions about whether or not solar makes sense for you,” said Stacy Page, a Resource Council member. “This is a great opportunity to learn more, whether solar is something you plan to do now or down the road.”
The Solar Q&A Session is part of the Resource Council’s RENEWyoming campaign to assist people around the state who are interested in going solar. As installation costs have dropped, Wyomingites have taken full advantage of this opportunity to generate their own power. RENEWyoming tells these stories through video, print, and social media, as well as providing public information on opportunities and barriers associated with renewables in Wyoming.
For more information on the Solar Q&A Session, contact the Resource Council at 307-672-5809 or email info@powderriverbasin.org.